Meditation Course

Following the introductory course, is the Meditation course (detailed below). Meditation is the discipline designed to awaken consciousness and take us to practical experience of the Divine Mysteries.

1. Relaxation

2. Meditation Practice through Rhythmic Breathing

3. Meditation Practice through Breathing Exercises

4. The Science of Meditation

5. Recommendations to Students

6. The Eternal Feminine

7. Egyptian Christic Pranayama

8. Concentration In Meditation

9. The 7 Chakras and Kundalini

10. The Heart chakra

11. Inner Silence and the mantra “WU”

12. Om Mani Padme Hum and Inner Unity

13. The Heart Sutra

14. Practices for asking help of Masters of Medicine

15. Practice with the Elementals of the Physical Body

16. The Universal Kabbalistic Petition to the Divine

17. Practice for developing Imagination

18. The Esoteric Discipline of the Mind

19. Dream yoga and Astral Travel

20. Intuition, Inner Understanding and Resolving Problems of the Mind

21. The Method for dissolving the Ego

22. The Rules of Meditation

See also: Additional Courses