Locations Of Groups

See below for the location and contact details of our UK Gnostic Groups.

Edinburgh, Scotland

Christopher and Gabrielle Carter

Email: edinburghgnosis@gmail.com

Phone: +44 7476 653915

Facebook: Edinburgh Gnosis

EH11 2AF

Glasgow, Scotland

Scott and Julia Billing

Email: scotlandgnosis@gmail.com

Website: Glasgow Gnosis

London, England

Sean and Rachelle Whyte

Email: london@gnosticsociety.co.uk

Phone: +44 7920 487593

Nottingham, England

Reiss and Hester Mahoney

Email: nottingham@gnosticsociety.co.uk

Phone: +44 7403 555865

Facebook: Gnosis Nottingham


Coming Soon…

Alif Foster

Email: bristol@gnosticsociety.co.uk

Phone: +44 7818 117802