Additional Courses

The method of Gnosis is initiation, and its finality: unitotal and complete integration:

~ Concentration, Meditation and Shamadhi (meditation to experience the void) ~

~ A profound study of the Human Being: Physically, Psychologically, Esoterically ~

~ The Mystical Death – Annihilating the Ego, our inner defects, the psychological “I” ~

~ Integrating with the Inner Being, Our true primordial origin ~

~ A profound study of Kabbalah, Tarot, and Archetypal Esoteric Symbolism ~

~ Developing Imagination and Intuition ~

~ Awakening Consciousness ~

~ Astral Travel ~

~ Practices to negotiate your Karma, and know your Past lives ~

~ The practice of Alchemy – the Transmutation of the Sexual Energies ~

~ Kundalini Yoga and the Secret Tantras ~

~ Practical Magic of Runes ~

~ The Elemental Spirits of Nature ~

~ Natural Healing ~

~ Esoteric Cosmology ~

~ The multidimensional Universe….~

~ The Inner Schools of the Mysteries~

…Many more studies and practices.