
What is Gnosis?

Gnosis is a word that derives from the Greek language which means knowledge; self-knowledge, or better put, the knowledge of an intuitive comprehension of spiritual truths. 

The mission of Gnosticism in this age is to deliver the method and means for the work of the
realisation of the inner Man in each one of us; the attainment of this transcendental objective
depends on our cooperation with the Being.

The divorce between science, art, philosophy and mysticism has provoked the deterioration
of this generation. We don’t appreciate the poetry of nature, the harmony that emanates from the
universe, and so human relations have become cold: our heart is unmoved by human suffering.

The Gnostic teachings are based on the communion between science, art, philosophy and mysticism;
they seek to rescue the highest values of the human being in order to be able to comprehend that life
is empty without the pursuit of transcendence and the self-realisation of the Being.
This would not be possible without the development of superior emotion, which humanises science,
sublimates art, elevates philosophy and crystallises mysticism.

Gnosis is the poetry of inner beauty, the rose of philosophy, the light of science and the mystical
eternal spring.

“An Introduction to Gnosis” a documentary made by a student of Sean and Rachelle Whyte, missionaries of the London Gnosis Centre, during their previous mission in Byron Bay, Australia.

What is a Gnostic Esoteric School?

An esoteric school is one that through its teachings introduces its students into the knowledge of and experiences of that which is often hidden from the senses and the common knowledge of society.

Firstly, by the definition of esoteric we find “that which is understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest”. Such a school would then take the yearnings – the sincere interest of its students – and initiate them into the practical realisation of its specialised knowledge: the mysteries. These are available to all to unveil for themselves, but only those of sincere interest seek to unveil them.

Additionally, a true esoteric school inculcates the necessary qualities in its students to gradually arrive at profound spiritual realisations. Which is the same as journeying deeper into oneself to encounter as revelation, the interior Divinity.

So an esoteric school is one that teaches the tradition – the lineage of teachings passed down unadulterated by previous spiritual masters, and provides the practical methods for realisation and revelation.

By means of a deep understanding of the inherited knowledge, an esoteric school maintains itself. By the dedicated application of this knowledge, an esoteric school renews and adapts itself to better help humanity in the state in which it finds itself.

Moreover, the heart of an esoteric school is the love for the light and the love for humanity. Because through the light we better serve and help our fellow man.
Lastly, the end goals of true esoteric schools is to clearly lay down the way back to the Divine origin of man.

Origins of the Gnostic Teachings

Gnosis is called the ‘Doctrine of the Synthesis’. It synthesises the most essential aspects of all of the ancient mystery schools, religions, and esoteric systems of the past and present into one doctrine. Yet Gnosis is not a derivative of any one of these systems. It predates all religions and systems, and is not the property of any individual or group.

Gnosis today is the modern form of an ancient system of learning which has existed through the history of man’s presence on Earth. This wisdom was not available to the public, but revealed only to those who had been initiated into the mysteries.

The Gnostic teachings, as taught in Gnostic centres around the world today, come from the writings and practices of a modern day teacher, Samael Aun Weor. He synthesised the precepts of philosophers, mystics, and adepts of all times into a comprehensive system of knowledge and instruction. To sum up, Gnosis, as unveiled by Samael Aun Weor, contains a synthesis of all the ancient mystery schools.

The contemporary Gnostic Movement has spread rapidly since it began in the 1950’s in Colombia. Today, gnostic centres can be found in many countries throughout the Americas, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa.

“Initiation is life itself lived intensely with rectitude and with love.”

Samael Aun Weor

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